Comparative Cartilage Biology
Conference 2019
Biomaterials - Biomedicine - EvoDevo
of Cartilage

This conference will take a uniquely broad approach to cartilage biology, combining researchers with expertise in developmental genetics, biomaterials & biomedicine, and evolution of cartilage. To build wider concepts in cartilage biology, we will pay particular attention to work on less studied cartilage types, on evolutionary perspectives of skeletal diversity and on less traditional models for skeletal biology (e.g. sharks and rays), and how these can enhance modern medical understandings of cartilage. In bringing together diverse cartilage research, the meeting will integrate the full community of cartilage biologists, accelerating research innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration and community-building.
We look forward to seeing you in Banyuls!




KEYNOTE speakers
Sidney Omelon
McGill University
Montreal (Canada)

Introduction to cartilage biomineralization and biomaterials
Martin Cohn
University of Florida
Florida (USA)

Introduction to developmental genetics of cartilage
Phillippe Janvier

Introduction to early cartilage evolution
National Museum of Natural History Paris (France)
All conference themes —Biomaterials & Biomedicine, Development, Evolution— are represented each day, to emphasize multi-disciplinarity and avoid topic ‘saturation’. Each day will wrap up with a roundtable discussion, synthesizing the cutting edge cartilage research presented and framing “big picture” views in cartilage biology as the research community moves forward.
The conference has no registration charge! Coffee breaks and lunch are included, as well as an evening wine tasting event. Participants will pay for their own dinners, airfare and housing, however student and young career researchers can apply for housing support (see Abstract submission page).
REGISTRATION & Abstract submission
All CCB attendees will present their work, either as a poster or oral presentation, but CCB only has space for 100 attendees. Abstract acceptance is therefore subject to availability and approval of the organizing committee. CCB is an integrative conference aimed at a broad audience - please write your abstracts with maximum accessibility in mind!
Oral presentation: 15 minutes
(12-minute talk + 3 minutes questions)
Poster size
Contact us with questions
(opens in new window)
The Conference will be at the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer (Avenue du Fontaulé, 66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer, France).
The Observatoire was founded in 1881 to study marine and terrestrial Mediterranean coast ecosystems. It is supported by Université Paris-Sorbonne, the French national center for research (CNRS) and belongs to the European Marine Biological Resources Center (EMBRC). The OOB offers 3 lab rooms, a large lecture hall (120 persons), 3 conference rooms (25-40 persons) and a poster exhibition space. It includes a public aquarium for outreach and a research-dedicated working space. Wireless internet and catering are available on-site.
All accommodations, from small hotels to spas, can be found at the city website:
Please book your room in advance - Banyuls is a top destination for holidays.
30 rooms are already booked at the Observatory Accommodation. Eligible students and young career researchers can apply for housing free of charge (see Registration form).
Some local hotels will offer conference rates - we will pass on their contact information once abstracts are accepted. See some hotels listed in the 'Maps' link.
Banyuls is a little town on the French coast and does not have its own airport. The venue is, however, accessible from several international airports with train connection to Banyuls: Perpignan (40km, train 30 mins, 8€), Montpellier (200km, 2h, 30€), Toulouse (250km, 3h, 40€), Barcelona (200km, 3h, 50€). Airport shuttles are also available.